Dental Board of California

The Dental Board of California (Board) licenses and regulates approximately 104,000 dental professionals. The Board licenses, monitors, and disciplines dentists, registered dental assistants (RDAs), and registered dental assistants in extended functions (RDAEFs). The Board sets the duties and functions of unlicensed dental assistants. The Board issues many types of permits to administer dental anesthesia and sedation, as well as orthodontic assistant and dental sedation assistant permits. Finally, the Board approves dental educational programs and courses required for practice, licensure, and continuing education.

In carrying out this complex work, the Board's highest priority is the protection of the public. While working to enable dental professionals to practice in California, the Board licenses only those individuals who are qualified. And while addressing the needs and concerns of dentists and dental auxiliaries, the Board investigates complaints against licensees and enforces the Dental Practice Act.

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